“Indian Root Bridge” – Integration Approach to Connect System

By Bhagvan Kommadi

Traditional Approach
Typical Integration approach has been to map two interfaces. The interfaces can be system level, system to datastore and system to a service (asynchronous – protocol agnostic). Inference based Mapping – Semantic Services Semantic web services are web services which have metadata about the service definition. The service request and response fields are described in the metadata. The field information can be used for inferring about the services. Inference based mapping is an approach which can map two interfaces given the metadata about the services. The relationships across the fields can be described using rules, ontological concepts and terms.Service definition or schemas which describe the interfaces can evolve.

Automated Discovery
Automated discovery process consists of selection, composition and web based execution of services. Semantic Automatic Discovery and Integration(SADI) consists of a number of recommendations for how services need to be implemented and described to achieve a set of useful behaviors by leveraging existing web service standards. SADI best practices are that all service input and output data are RDF instances of OWL Classes.
SAWSDL (Semantic Annotations for WSDL) specification builds semiautomated wrappers around web services to make them SADI compliant. SAWSDL bridges the gap between of semantic web services and standard web services. SAWSDL provides tags to describe the WSDL Service with semantic annotations.

Semantically Enabled SOA (SESA)

Web service Modelling ontology has ontology and Rule language for semantic web with support for WSMO. Semantic Execution environments have capability in deploying and executing semantic web services. It is a conceptual model for relevant aspects related to semantic web services. It is an ontology based framework which supports the deployment and interoperability of semantic web services.

Web service Modelling Language is used for Top Down Process Design and Bottom Up web service description & annotation. It is a formal language that provides a syntax and semantics for Web service modeling ontology. It provides capability to describe WSMO elements as ontologies, semantic web services, goals and mediators.

Semantic BPM
Semantic business process management consists of Semantic Business Process Analysis, Semantic Business Process Modelling,Semantic Business Process Design and Semantic Business Process Execution. Semantic BPM enhances BPM with semantic technologies to increase the automation in BPM lifecycle. This bridges the gap between business and IT views on Business Process.
Code Generation based Mapping – Standard based Integration

Templates for Interface Mapping
Out of the box connectors can be the templates which evolved from inference engines for mapping two standard interfaces. The templates are stored in a repository for standard interfaces with version information.

In Memory Inference
In scenarios of translation between two languages, traditional method is to automate the translation word by word and workflow will be triggered for review. In the new approach, in memory changes during workflow are stored. In memory inference will help in speed translation and brings down the manual review of the language translation.

In the data integrations, the fields which describe the customer transaction can be used for loyalty, offers and recommendations. In ecommerce (B2C,B2B, C2C), system interfaces can be integrated using new approach of inferring the data and using them as recommendations.

Extraction of the data and transforming them for loading the data repository is the traditional approach. The new approach evolving is to store the transformations evolved from the inference engines for mapping two interfaces. The transformations are stored in the repository. Transformations can be clustering the data into groups, correlated data transformations, rules, logic and sorting/filtering.

Data Relationships
RDF describes the metadata and about resources on the web. RDF documents define relationships in the form of subject-predicate-object triples and other links. Discovery of structured and unstructured data relationships need to be identified and stored in the repository. The data can be graphs, spatial, text, sensors and location. A property in OWL is directed binary relation that describes the logic for transitive, symmetric, inverse and functional.

This approach is being used by applications in Intelligence, Bio Informatics, Health Care informatics, Finance and Media.

Author Bio:
Bhagvan Kommadi is a Co Founder at Architect Corner. Bhagvan is an experienced CTO who has created Products & Incubation of Product Startups, ISV Development centers, Center of Excellence (COE) and enterprise solution practices. For over 18 years, he has worked in the areas of enterprise risk management, enterprise spend management, supply chain planning, enterprise contract management, enterprise marketing management,enterprise mobility, enterprise content management, enterprise security , service oriented architecture and business process management.